Tischenko Gallery's exhibition in July 2024

 Tischenko Gallery

K. Tschährä & Kaarina Staudinger Loppukaarre


Fredrikinkatu 64, Helsinki


Curator, collector Roope Laine curated the exhibition showing new works of Tampere-based artist K. Tschährä and aquarells by late Kaarina Staudinger-Loppukaarre.

K. Tschährä exhibition

K. Tschährä Three Bears

K. Tschährä drawings

K. Tschährä drawings

K. Tschährä paintings

K. Tschährä

K. Tschährä exhibition

Introducing text by Roope Laine:

K. Tschährä & Kaarina Staudinger–Loppukaarre, 10.7.–23.7.2024, Tischenko Gallery, Fredrikinkatu 64, 00100, Helsinki, Tue-Fri 14:00–18:00 & Sat 12:00–16:00

K. Tschährä & Kaarina Staudinger–Loppukaarre is a co-exhibition between the two of domestic autodidacts and visionary artists, which illustrates beyond the ordinary consciousness, where dreamy shapes materialize and from those manifests Beings, metamorphosing power animal bear and a connection to Karelian family roots. Artworks created with frantic speed emerge from subconscious and act as a medium for the mystical, bringing it forth to be explored and studied, wondered and marvelled. These artists’ deeply characteristic, intuitive, and compulsively created artworks exhibit the more mediumistic and mystic side of Finnish contemporary folk and outsider art, and its continuation from generation to generation.

K. Tschährä’s art deals with the eternal cycle of nature and shamanistic tradition, where existence relates to the past and future, and where all beings are interconnected. Mycelia are like connecting threads or impulses. Time is nonlinear, where different time planes and events coexist simultaneously and layered.
Mediumistic and meticulous artworks originate through personal, compulsive process taking advantage of body’s own automatism and figures appear seeking their place and shape according to their own will.
This year K. Tschährä’s artworks have been exhibited together with Hanna Viitala in K. H. Renlund Museum’s ‘Between the worlds’ exhibition, 1.3.–26.5.2024, and in Middle of Nowhere, Finland’s first art park focusing on Finnish contemporary folk art in Hyvinkää (https://middleofnowhere.fi/en/artist-k-tschahra/)

Kaarina Staudinger-Loppukaarre (1911-2013) was original autodidact artist, renowned as the painter of the enigmatic Beings. Staudinger-Loppukaarre’s artworks, while having been making arts since childhood, were presented for the first time publicly at Kiuruvesi’s adult education centre’s spring exhibition in 1967 from where she moved into Savonlinna in 1974 being able to fully immerse in painting. In 2005 Staudinger-Loppukaarre got an invitation from Maaseudun Sivistysliitto to international contemporary folk art exhibition at Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma.
Over the years colourful and playful artworks of the eidetic Beings grew into thousands and solo and group exhibitions into nearly 200.  The home of the Beings is somewhere else, where Staudinger-Loppukaarre saw with her “silly eyes” and which her immense volume of artworks reveal to us.
“The secret of Kaarina Staudinger-Loppukaarre’s respectable age, and joie de vivre probably lies in her Beings. They greet us from the realm of eternal life.” — Erkki Pirtola (trans. Kirsti Nurmela-Knox): Kaarina Staudinger-Loppukaarre, MSL (https://msl.fi/itetaide/en/artist/kaarina-staudinger-loppukaarre/)
