Furry shells and flowing energy lines


K. Tschährä drawing in Finlayson Art Area team group exhibition in Gallery Himmelblau
K. Tschährä: Piercing Through the Time, 2021.

Here are some of my drawings that were on show in the latest exhibition:

Piercing Through the Time

Information Flow

Coded Shell

All are from 2021 and size 21x29,5cm. Ball point ink pen on black acid free paper.

I like the "fluffyness" in the first one made with little dots. Two last ones remind me also of music: it's like some noices are floating in the air. Shell/fractal motives are there as in many in my works. In first and last you see also lines made with black ink, it gives a nice effect when looking at the drawing from different directions, hidden decoration.

Group exhibition was produced by Printmaking Studio / Gallery Himmelblau, all artists are in Finlayson Art Area work team.

K. Tschährä: Information Flow, 2021

K. Tschährä: Coded Shell, 2021
